Work Based Learning


Jessie Small, Work Based Learning Coordinator
Office Phone:  812-882-0801     Cell Phone:  812-899-2401

DOE Code: 5974 Work Based Learning (Multiple Pathways)

Career and Technical Education recognizes that classroom learning provides only part of the content knowledge and skills development students need for succeed in college, career, and life. By creating opportunities to learn in the workplace, schools can help students develop and refine the workplace competencies needed to enter and succeed in a chosen career, adjust to the employment environment, and advance along the career pathway of their choice.

The fundamental purpose of cooperative education is to provide students with opportunities to learn under real‑work conditions. While participating in cooperative work experiences, students are actual employees of the hiring organization. These experiences must be related to each student’s academic and career goals. Work assignments and areas of responsibility should broaden as students gain experience on the job and an increase in responsibilities should occur as further education and training are attained.

Grade Level:  12th Prerequisites: None

Length of Course: 1 year – 2-4 release periods per day

HS Credits per semester: 3       HS Credits per year: 6

Dual Credit: Not available at this time

Recommended Courses: Preparing for College and Careers

Fees: $0


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