Construction Program Facebook Page
Instructor: Jim Morrison
Email: Office Phone: 812-847-4909
Career Clusters: Building and Construction
7130 | Principles of Construction Trades | 7123 | Construction Trades: General Carpentry | 7122 | Construction Trades: Framing and Finishing |
Certifications Upon Completion of Program: BSI Basic Carpentry
Classroom is located at: 60 “A” Street SE, Linton, IN.
Program Description: Building Trades Program will provide basic skill development in all phases of residential home building. The students’ project consists of the completion of a private home during the school year. Activities include, but not limited to foundation, floors, walls, ceiling, roofing, interior and exterior trim, plumbing, dry walling, insulation, wiring, and painting. The student will have active participation in life skill classes, including employability skills, personal growth and leadership skills. In addition, communication skills, career exploration and assistance in making informed choices in reference to post-secondary career/education plans are a component of the course.
Grade Level: 11th or 12th
Prerequisites: Math and English
Length of Course: 1 year or 2 years – 3 periods per day (1/2 day)
Time of Classes: 8:00- 10:45 AM or 12:15-3:00 PM
HS Credits per semester: 3 HS Credits per year: 6
Dual Credit: Available through Vincennes University (See Dual Credit)
Recommended Courses: Drafting
Fees: $40.00
Occupations upon completion of class: Construction, sales representative in hardware, building supplier
Additional education/training available at: Ivy Tech and Vincennes University